Support Groups

Designed to honor resilience, foster prevention, and promote cultural practices.

healing journey

to join, please call our main line: (612)-728-2000 

Healing Journey uses harm reduction strategies and the Ojibwe teaching "zhoo-way-nah-dig" ("taking care of each other") to provide safe space and time for women to walk their healing path at their own pace. This model operates from cultural teachings that prioritize the process of working toward a life in balance over linear markers of success, such as total abstention from substance use. Group members are connected to a support system of staff and peers who view them as vital, contributing community members.

Healing Journey offers a number of resources that individuals may utilize if they wish to, including:

·       Elder Support and Spiritual Guidance

·       Therapeutic services

·       Holistic healing and body health work

·       Field trips to conferences and cultural events

·       Participation in community events

·       Crafting

·       Case management

·       Parent educational classes